Students of Grade1 of Abhinav Public school visited Super market Sahakari Bhandar on 27th November as a part of educational trip.
This trip was organized to enhance students knowledge of the supermarket industry.
The manager of the Sahakari Bhandar supermarket welcomed the students. The first section of the tour focused on the store layout. Students learned how products are strategically placed on shelves, how different sections are organised such a fresh fruits and veggies products, dairy and canned goods. Students were shown by the teachers how products are selected based on market demand. The pricing strategies including discounts & promotional offers were explained in detail.
Students were shown all the sections of the supermarket.
Biscuits were purchased for the students. Few students personally purchased few things. Students were shown how payments are processed. The students of Grade 1 gained a practical understanding of how a supermarket operates. The educational trip to supermarket was both informative & engaging.