A team of enthusiastic and talented school students under 12 i.e grade 5 and grade 6 from Nkes under the captainship of Arya Poojary participated in the prestigious KBD Junior Kabaddi, a well-known event for young athletes. The competition tested their strategic thinking, physical agility, and teamwork skills. The students demonstrated remarkable skills throughout the tournament, making their school proud by advancing through various stages of the competition.
The Nkes students began their journey by competing at the Mumbai level at G D Somani School Cuff Parade. Their hard work and dedication paid off as they emerged victorious, qualified for the next round of matches. Their success at the Mumbai level was a testament to their determination and preparation, as they outperformed several strong teams in the competition.
Having won the Mumbai level, the Nkes team moved forward for the second level at Pune. The Pune leg of the competition brought together some of the best teams from across the region. The students displayed exceptional sportsmanship and strategic skills, successfully navigating through challenging matches. Their performance in Pune was impressive, as they continued to show improvement and resilience by winning the trophy and qualified for National level.