Co-curricular Activities 2013-14
17th June was a day to remember. Children and parents were taken by surprise on the reopening day of the school for the academic year 2013-14 and also the platinum jubilee year of N.K.E.S. The School Entrance was decorated with balloons festoons and cartoons on the walls and the doors of the entrance.
Children were welcomed by the HM and the members of the management with welcome speech and sweets were distributed.
July started off with curricular activities.
Word Building [24th July, 2013]:
Students of 5th, 6th and 7th participated in this competition and they were quizzed on Spellings, Words which were jumbled, Cross words and were asked to build as many words as possible with given alphabets.
Vanamahotsav [26th July, 2013]:
Each and every class were asked to bring a sapling to plant in the school grounds to show the importance of trees and nature.
To encourage the values of the conservation and protection of the environment. About 28 different Saplings were planted on this day.
Recitation Competition[27th July, 2013]:
Recitation competitions are especially for juniour students. Students of 5th, 6th and 7th participated in this competition. A poem was given to recite without seeing.
Mehandi Competition [7th Aug, 2013]:
All the girls and boys of 5th, 6th and 7th Eagerly took part in the Mehandi Competition and we could see the creativity of the students on this occasion.
General Knowledge [7th Aug, 2013] :
General Knowledge competition was held on 7th Aug, 2013 for the senior students of 8th, 9th and 10th. The intelligent students took part in this competition.
Mental Ability [21st Aug, 2013]:
To prove the mental ability of the students of 8th, 9th and 10th. This competition was conducted and many of them participated to prove themselves.
Salad Dressing Competition [28th Aug, 2013]:
Salad Dressing Competition was held for the students of 5th, 6th and 7th.
Children brought various vegetables and fruits and decorated them in different shapes and exhibited their skill.
Gokulashtami / Dahi Handi [30th Aug, 2013]:
We organized Dahi Handi on 30th Aug, 2013. The Ganesh Utsav a competition of human pyramid was held on this day for the junior and the senior students of the school.
Students and the staff of the school took part in this enthusiastically they encouraged, up lauded by whistling and hooting and by clapping.
Sudoku Competition [1st Sep, 2013]:
Sudoku Competition was held for the students of 5th, 6th and 7th to increase their thinking ability and their caliber on speed.
Teachers’ Day Celebrations [5th Sept, 2013]:
In the memory of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan teachers’ day celebration was held in the school. Teachers were felicitated on this day. Children took over the entire charge on this day and showed their respect.
Ganesh Chaturthi [9th Sep, 2013]:
A festive mood started of with Ganesh Utsav. Lord Ganesha was welcomed with music and band. It was a five day festive.
Prasad was placed everyday and Prayers and Aarti was done by students and staff of the school. On visargen or the emersion day of Lord Ganesha prayers were recited. Students and the staff bid farewell to Lord Ganesha with music dance and band asking him to come back again the next year with words पुढ्च्या वर्षी लवकर या!
Visvesvaraya Day [16th Sep, 2013]:
A Power Point Presentation was organized by the school on the topics “Achieving Excellence” & “India a rich country with poor people or a poor country with poor people”. Many enthusiastic students of 8th, 9th and 10th presented their ppts, which was colourful and informative.
Navratri Celebrations [5th Oct to 13th Oct, 2013]:
Goddesses Durga, Lakshmi and Sarasvati were invoked. Daily prayers were chanted by the staff and the students of the school.
Prasad was distributed on all the 9 days and on sharada pooja day especial prayers were conducted and Dandya Raas was arranged in the quart angle of the school for the children.
Children decked themselves with jewelry and wore traditional dress and played dandya till they were tired.