Working Committee

Working Committee Members
  Name Profile Designation

Sri. Parthasarathi Naik

Ex-Jt. Commissioner of Income Tax President 
2 Ms Kamala K Chief Regulatory Officer, BSE India Vice-President
3 Dr. Ganapati Shankarling  Head, Dyestuff Dept of Institute of
Chemical Technology
4 Smt. Padmaja Banwasi Ex-RBI Hon. Secretary
5 Sri.  Shashikant Joshi  Head of Dept of Mathematics, SIWS college of commerce & Economics Hon. Secretary
6 Ms. Bhavani Bhargav  Ex-HRD Officer, Metal Box (Inoka) Ltd. Mumbai. Ex Computer Section Incharge, VVF Ltd. Hon. Treasurer
7 Sri. Ananth Banwasi  Ex-AGM Larsen & Tourbo Ltd Powai, Mumbai Committee mbr
8 Sri. Suresha B.S. Ex Sr Engineer, Films Division Govt. of India, Mumbai  Committee mbr
9 Sri N. G. Navilekar Tata Power Committee mbr
10 Dr. Parameshwaran P.V Ex-Professor & HOD, Dept. of Civil Engg Sardar Patel College of Engg, Mumbai. Dean, Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai Committee mbr
11 Sri. Murlidhar M.H. Sr. Chartered Accountant Committee mbr
12 Sri. Vikrant Urwal Director, IITC College Committee mbr
13 Sri. Sunil Haribal Founder Multidimension Consultant, Mumbai & PAN India Committee mbr